Friday, November 13, 2009


What we know is that the formation of this volcano is begun approximately 35.000 years ago and first reported explosion that we know
about it is the one of the year 79 A.D. August 24th. The last time the mount Vesuvio exploded was in beginning of the 16 hundred but the last eruption is dated 1944 since than the volcano is sleeping but active and for this reason mount Vesuvio is considered the most dangerous volcano in Europe. Today the summit of the cone is 1281 mt, the other pick next to the main crater is Mount Somma, 1133 mt., and they are separated by a valley called “Valley of the giants”. Mt Vesuvio is the location of the oldest scientific institution for the study of volcanos “Osservatorio Vesuviano” dated 1841. In 1991 the institution of “Vesuvius National Park „ was created together with Biosphere Reserve protected by Unesco. This create beauty and history, a perfect combination for unforgettable tour.


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